Each and every day of the year, thousands of individuals volunteer their time and talents to numerous groups that range from local to worldwide causes. Maintaining a neighborhood garden, cleaning up a stretch of the beach, or in our case, leading a choir. Without the time dedicated by our volunteers, MenAlive wouldn’t be what it is today.
“At every age and stage in life, volunteers experience the profound joy of giving back. Volunteerism is also a reinforcing cycle.”
First launched in 1974, National Volunteer Week was established as a way to thank volunteers for their hard work. For a week every April, organizations, and groups come together to honor those who dedicate their time and encourage others to join up as volunteers. In 2019, AmeriCorps, which produces the Volunteering in America report, found that 30 percent of adults, approximately 77.9 million individuals volunteered 5.8 billion hours resulting in an estimated economic value of $147 billion.
This week, President Biden released the annual National Volunteer Week proclamation stating, “Every day, Americans are giving their love and labor to care for seniors, help communities rebuild after disasters, support veterans and military families, tackle climate change, guide and mentor our youth, serve and strengthen the democratic process, feed the hungry, and keep communities healthy and safe.”
The proclamation added, “At every age and stage in life, volunteers experience the profound joy of giving back. Volunteerism is also a reinforcing cycle.”
When it comes to MenAlive, our volunteer group HeartsAlive serves the chorus on multiple levels from preparing snacks at rehearsals and arranging group outings to serving on committees and developing community outreach events. Even our Board of Directors is made up of volunteers. It’s all these various talents and experiences that move MenAlive forward and allow us to be an active part of the community. Collectively, our volunteers donate over 11,000 hours each year.
To learn more about MenAlive and HeartsAlive, visit the Join Us section on our website.